Tuesday, March 25, 2008


OK, my new pet peeve: I mention we're getting a horse to someone and they say something like:

"Why would you do that?"
"Really? Well get ready: they are so expensive!"
"Well! That'll certainly turn your life upside-down."
"HA! My condolences."
"They're really high-maintenance."
"Are you sure you can afford it?"
"They're a lot more trouble than they're worth."

I wish I had the nerve to say things like that to people when they tell me that they are realizing their lifelong dreams. But I was raised with...what are they called?...Oh yeah: MANNERS.

Looking at that list, I realize one could also (if one were a a complete and total jerk) say that to a couple expecting a baby. Imagine looking at a pregnant woman and saying such insensitive, discouraging things! SAD. "Wow - you sure have no clue what yer gettin' yerself into, little lady." WHAT. EVER.


Mooma said...

Dear Wendy,

One more week! He's almost here! Do you think he's as excited as you guys are? Well, maybe not yet...but he will be very happy because you guys will love him and take such good care of him.

Forget the neigh-sayers, they're just jealous that your dreams are coming true.

Love you lots,

wendy said...

AWWW! Mom, that is so sweet! They are jealous, aren't they? Do you know what we found out today at the Hallmark store? Lots of Thank-You cards, even some that said things like "Thank you for dinner" or "Thank you for dogsitting" but none that said "Thank you for selling us one of your horses." I was looking for something really special for Lina, but there was nothing a) special enough or b) accurate enough. Luckily there *was* one with silver glitter! Glitter says thank you like nothin' else...

Love you lots too, and thanks for not thinking I'm crazy (at least not about this) (or if you do, then for not telling me!!!)