Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Flurry of Interest!

Interesting how when you do truly let go and put it out to the universe, the universe provides...

In the past few days, I have heard from a delightful mom with two girls who ride that are looking for a horse of their own; a broker/trainer/seller who might have a lead; a breeder who might have a lead; a generous offer from our trainer to help match-make; someone who saw the short-lived ad I had online and is interested in the breed and thinks he sounds wonderful; and the woman who was going to drive him back to Orcas, back when we thought he was going "home," she wants to come meet him too!

So there is interest. People want to meet him. Not that I don't understand why! What's not to like? I so wish we had timed this differently and waited until we were better riders, but if I start on my list of regrets I'll run out of bandwith or something. And I'm not into guilt-trips and told-you-so's, so I'm not going to dwell on what we should have done differently ... just move on from here and see who comes into his life, that can do him some justice. I know we love him, and I know sometimes that just isn't enough. Love is not (sorry, Lennon/McCartney) all you need. You also need training and better horsemanship skills, and a great deal of money.


IceRyder said...

Hope things turn out well for all.

If you need any help, let me know.


Mooma said...

My heart is aching for all of you. I just don't know what to say or do.

Sending my love,

wendy said...

Me either...but we'll be okay...I know he will find really good people, and we will keep in touch with them...it's sad, but sadder would be trying to make it work and losing all of our time, money, and energy in the meantime. We want to keep our love for horses, not frustrate ourselves. He is still the best boy ever...and we aren't giving up so much as we are recognizing that doing the right thing means letting him go...